Jun 10, 2022
“Supply chain” is a buzz phrase right now, but let’s not forget that one, there isn’t just “one chain,” and two, that it’s not a faceless thing -- it’s people. Mark Overbay of Big Spoon Roasters in Durham, NC was inspired by the unavailable supply of peanut butter when he was stationed in the Peace Corps, and it led him down plenty of paths to sweet success. Big Spoon’s philosophy is based on the belief that food matters when it comes to health, happiness, and the well-being of our planet, and that planet includes all those who are working to produce his product. Simply by doing what they love, the company, which Mark named in homage to his dad Gary, has created numerous product innovations, including being the first to incorporative creative ingredients --from chai spices to freshly toasted coconut -- in nut butter recipes, being the first to offer membership clubs, and currently still the only nut butter company with a completely transparent supply chain. Big Spoon Roasters is available in close to 800 US retail outlets, and Mark? He’s still eating peanut butter on the daily.