So you wanna be a food writer? Then be like Keia. Keia Mastrianni is one of the brightest voices in the Southern culinary scene at the moment, and this multi-media storyteller got where she is through the following: by writing consistently, by discovering a subject that she is passionate about, and then by immersing herself in that subject. And her subject is food. It’s not like she had a master plan, but now she’s telling stories about farms, sustainable agriculture, and the people behind that, people she feels deeply connected to. That connection is coming through in her work for the Southern Foodways Alliance, for Food Republic and Creative Loafing, but don’t think she’s all serious and no fun. Quite the opposite. Not only can she serve you a piece of homemade blueberry pie fresh from her oven, but she has an easy and musical laugh. Who doesn’t want to be around that?