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The Southern Fork

Dec 7, 2018

Listen to Chef Kenny Gilbert for any length of time, and you’ll realize that he sees cooking through the lens of relationships: from co-workers and employers, to diners and the family that often inspires his food. Speaking of lenses, Kenny Gilbert became more of a household name from his time spent in front of a camera lens for Top Chef Season Seven -- the one in DC -- and although he didn’t win the overall title, he did impress with his skills and flavor combinations. He’s cooked everywhere from Sea Island, Ga. to Telluride, Co., and these days, he’s making Jacksonville, Fla. home with a string of five restaurants, the flagship of which is Gilbert’s Underground Kitchen. It’s hard to put Kenny’s cooking in just one category, so that’s why the multiple restaurants just make sense, but just listen to what he thinks he’d like for his last meal, and you’ll get a good idea of the creative process of this man.