Craig Rogers is a force in Southern food. Mention this owner and shepherd of Border Springs Farm in Patrick Springs, VA around any East Coast chefs, and one or more have likely heard of him or already serve his product. Craig and I first met on the dance floor at 2 a.m. during a Lambs and Clams after party at Euphoria Greenville a few years ago, and I remember he had on overalls and had been dancing for hours. And that was after cooking lamb on a spit all day. The man is used to going headlong into whatever he decides. These days, he’s cycling his way back to health, biking the Blue Ridge yet still hosting the private Lambstock event on his farm (that’s Woodstock for chefs). To steal the Vegas line “what happens at Lambstock usually stays at Lambstock,” but this year, he invited me to come and podcast from the party, but it was too windy on the day we recorded. Instead we popped inside his farmhouse kitchen, where you’ll be able to hear a squeaky screen door opening and closing as an army of volunteers for the event move around us.